Trip to Austria

>> Sunday, January 28, 2007

Photos from my trip to Austria on Thursday and Friday of last week. The office sponsored us all to go. There is a new exhibit which was put together about the Architecture / Engineering partnership between Behnisch and Transsolar (they do all the energy consulting and climate engineering for Behnisch) and it is now in Dornbirn Austria in this funky lighting facory thing. We all went to the opening of the exhibit, where we listened to speaches and had dinner. The next day came back for a tour of both the little lighting museum and of the factory. Rather cool. After we went to Bremenz, which is maybe 15 minnutes away to see Peter Zumthor's Kunst Museum. Gorgeous.



>> Tuesday, January 23, 2007



>> Sunday, January 21, 2007

Enjoying some of the best weather we have had in a while. Granted, I had to cut the ride a little short because the wind was so crazy, but I got quite a bit in before that. Rode up through the vinyards across the river. It is amazing how green everything still is. Though, it is supposed to snow this week (finally) so this is probably the end of that.

Very nice though. I had been wanting to go up there for a while. The hills were killer. The plan was to ride along them into the city, but the wind and my legs forced and early turnaround.... so I went back down the valley and up the big hill to Heumaden. Oye. Time for a nap I think. :)


Winter Break - New York

>> Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Learning to ski at West Mountain on 100% fake snow :). I have many bruises.


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